

Created by Privateer Press

A 5E Roleplaying Game expansion for the Iron Kingdoms: Requiem campaign setting.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 02, 2021 at 08:40:03 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

Thank you, everyone, for the support and words of encouragement throughout this campaign. We’re thrilled to be expanding the Iron Kingdoms RPG setting with you. So, what lies ahead?


For most of you, this will be a fairly invisible process. Kickstarter has begun charging credit cards attached to backer Kickstarter accounts. Ninety-five percent of them will go through with no issue. If a card fails for any reason, Kickstarter will attempt to charge it again in the coming days. But with increasing security measures taken by credit card companies, you may get an alert from your bank about whether or not the charge is legit. And in some cases, particularly with international backers, banks have been known to decline the charger altogether. Unfortunately, at this stage in the process, we are unable to access payment information, help get the charge processed, and have no ability to retry a charge. For that, you will need to contact Kickstarter customer support. However, in the event that your card is not successfully charged, you can contact us directly once the pledge manager goes live and at that point, we'll have a lot more tools at our disposal to help you out. And we'll make sure that you still get into the pledge manager at whatever reward level you had originally pledged at. Never fear! We are here to help.


The pledge manager is nearly built and will be ready to launch as soon as Kickstarter charges cards and deposits funds. This will be just over two weeks from now. 

If you happen to be new to Kickstarter, the Pledge Manager is where you’ll confirm your reward selections, add-on any other rewards you wish to receive, and enter your shipping details and settle up on shipping. In the event that your shipping information changes during the course of production and before we ship, then you’ll be able to update your info there.

There will also be a short survey when you open the pledge manager with some questions that help us get to know our community of players better so we can plan our follow up to this fantastic campaign.

We'll launch the pledge manager with a 'smoke test' that will send the survey out to about 5% of backers. If there's anything that needs adjusting, we'll fix it right away. Otherwise, it should go wide about 24 hours after the smoke test is initiated.

We need to commit our print quantities soon so we can lock everything in before the holidays. The pledge manager will stay open until December 10th, at which time credit cards will be charged for shipping and anything added on in the pledge manager.

So expect an email from in a couple weeks. We’ll send out an update once the pledge manager is live, as well, so you’ll know to check your inbox.


Our planned files-to-press date is the end of November in order to stay on target for our June delivery. But before we commit to print, we’ll be conducting a preview of the books by sending out PDFs ahead of that date — hopefully around mid-November — so that we can incorporate changes to anything you spot, like typos that might have slipped through. Then, once any changes are made and the books are off to print, we’ll send out the final PDFs to everyone while the physical books are printing.

Once the three books, cards, and tiles are off to press, we’ll commence work on all of the additional material that we unlocked as stretch goals. We’ll send out progress updates  along the way and release the digital items as they are done. So there will be exciting, new things happening as we wait for the physical books to arrive.


All physical rewards will be sent in one shipment, including books, GM screen, miniatures, the cloth map and any other items you might have added on.


Well, we've got another region of the Iron Kingdoms to explore, way, way down south, that people have been looking forward to for a long rest for the wicked!

Until next time, thank you for making all of this possible.

Wesselbaum’s Wild Guide: The Abyssal Fortress Unlocked!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 12:20:16 AM

Greetings Adventurers!

Thanks to our backing Retailers, the Retail Reservation pledge will currently contribute an additional $6,450 over the funding that Kickstarter displays. This means that the Iron Kingdoms: Borderlands and Beyond campaign has surmounted $330k, unlocking the digital PDF of Wesselbaum’s Wild Guide: The Abyssal Fortress! This Gazetteer will detail a famous location in the Iron Kingdoms, as survived by Lynus Wesselbaum!

With just over two hours to go, there is still time to unlock the Gravewhisper the Sythyss miniature! Click those links below and the hit Share and Retweet! Only 100 shares to go!



Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We look forward to sharing more previews and unlocking more stretch goals in the days to come!

about 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 12:19:07 AM

It may sound like a musical mashup, but it's really one of the approximately 40 new ready-to-mash-you monsters that you'll encounter in the upcoming Borderlands Survival Guide. And we've thrown in a couple other art previews of new monsters, below!

And after you check those out, if you're a fan Norse myth (who isn't?) and have a hankering to get your fantasy-viking on, check out another fantastic 5e campaign being run by our friends over at Arcanum Worlds — Raiders of the Serpent Sea. 

Last, be sure to check out Privateer Press Staff Sculptor Doug Hamilton's Insider on the sculpting of the Shadow of the Seeker miniatures! (And don't forget to share and retweet the Final 48 Hours announcement so we can unlock those last two miniatures!)

(Preview pages are works-in-progress and should not be considered final. If you spot anything out of place, please leave us a note in the comments below.)


Seeker Hallyr, Mistress of the Moon Arch Miniature Unlocked!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 12:19:01 AM

Greetings Adventurers!

Thanks to your amazing support, the Iron Kingdoms: Borderlands and Beyond campaign has crested $310k, unlocking the next miniature — Seeker Hallyr, Mistress of the Moon Arch! Seeker Hallyr will be added to the rewards for all backers of the Early Bird, Paper GM and Retailer Reservation reward tiers.

Our next stretch goal opens when we reach $330k and will unlock a PDF Gazetteer that will detail a famous location in the Iron Kingdoms, as survived by Lynus Wesselbaum.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We look forward to sharing more previews and unlocking more stretch goals in the final hours of this campaign! 

about 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 12:18:59 AM

Souls need not apply!

For the preview of our final day of the Kickstarter, we’re sharing one of the strange new player options found in Borderlands and Beyond: the soulless.

An affliction suffered by the elves of Ios after the majority of their gods vanished and the few who remained steadily weakened, soulless are, as the name suggests, born without a soul. In the few centuries that they have existed, the soulless have gone from pariahs that inspired Ios to civil war, to deadly weapons deployed by the Retribution of Scyrah, to their current status as the majority population within Ios.

Soulless give players an interesting opportunity to play a character whose emotions are muted to the point that others might not even notice they exist, while also trying to find a path for themselves in a dramatically changed world. Who will your soulless characters be? And how will they help shape the future of western Immoren in the days ahead?

And don't forget to share and retweet our Final 48 Hours announcement! We're only about 140 shares/retweets away from unlocking the next miniature! 



(Preview pages are works-in-progress and should not be considered final. If you spot anything out of place, please leave us a note in the comments below.)