about 3 years ago
– Sat, Jan 08, 2022 at 04:17:11 AM
Greetings Adventurers!
We're a week into the new year and everything is progressing according to schedule. We have approved proofs for all for all of the printed materials in the Borderlands and Beyond rewards, and we have approved the tooling masters for the Shadow of the Seeker miniatures.
The books and miniatures are supplied by two different manufacturers. We expect both will be shipping shortly after factories reopen after the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday. Until then, there won't be much to say about the forthcoming rewards other than things are proceeding on schedule. However, once the Requiem rewards deliver to all backers of that project over the next few weeks, we have a full slate of digital content we've been preparing and you'll be seeing regular updates for a variety of different subjects in the Iron Kingdoms RPG setting.
We're excited to continue our journey with you in the new year. Until the next update, be safe and well!
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 10:39:04 PM
Greetings Adventurers!
With the pledge manager locked, we have begun distribution of the final PDF files for Borderlands and Beyond, the Borderlands Survival Guide, and the Shadow of the Seeker adventure. As well, for anyone who added-on the Escape the Mindslavers adventure PDF, this is also available to download now.
You should be receiving email announcements to download the PDFs, but with so many to send out, they can take a while. So if you're not in the mood to wait, simply log in to your Backerkit account and find the files in your Digital Downloads section.
We'll have many more exciting updates for you in the new year. But for now, happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!
about 3 years ago
– Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 07:16:00 AM
Greetings Adventurers!
The pledge manager is closing and orders will automatically lock in 48 hours.
Over the next couple of weeks we'll be making the manual VAT entries for our EU and UK backers, where applicable. You'll have a chance to review these before cards are charged, so watch for our update announcing all adjustments have been made, early in January.
Once orders lock on Friday, we'll begin distribution of the final PDFs for all three books, as well as the Escape the Mindslavers adventure — just in time for the holiday weekend!
Happy holidays to all!
about 3 years ago
– Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 01:21:05 AM
Greetings Adventurers!
Our team is making great headway packing and shipping the Requiem rewards.
Australia and New Zealand rewards are en route to Aetherworks in Australia.
Orders bound for the UK and EU are 100% packed and the freight shipment will depart on Monday for Spiral Galaxy in the UK. Once they ship the individual parcels, tracking numbers will be sent out through email.
Orders for backers in Canada are expected to depart for Lion Rampant by the middle of next week, and then domestic U.S. orders will start shipping as fast as we can pack them.
We’ll have another update next week to check on progress at that time. Until then, happy holidays to you and yours!
about 3 years ago
– Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 01:02:20 AM
Greetings Adventurers!
While we work through the complications of accurately calculating VAT for UK and EU backers, we will be leaving the pledge manager open for one more week.
Because the current functions of the Backerkit pledge manager do not allow us to charge different VAT rates for items that have reduced VAT, we are having to do this the hard way. Meaning, by hand and line-by-line. How this is being accomplished is first, we’ll be disabling the VAT calculation in Backerkit because it’s only capable of calculating one VAT rate per territory. After that, we run all UK and EU orders through a spread sheet that will calculate the reduced VAT on books or any other materials eligible for reduced rate, regular VAT on standard goods, and then proportionally split the VAT assessed on shipping. But then we have to go back and manually add the three final lines of VAT calculations to each backer’s order in Backerkit, as there’s no auto-magical way to do this. Sound complicated? I assure you, it’s even worse. So as you can imagine, it’s taking us a bit of time.
Don’t worry. This in no way will affect the delivery time of the Borderlands rewards. Everything is at the printer right now and we’re just about to begin tooling on the Shadow of the Seeker miniatures, and everything is proceeding right on time. But it may be a couple weeks before the final VAT calculations are added to all UK and EU orders and we’re able to charge cards.
In the meantime, if you would like to know what your final VAT calculation is going to look like, here’s how we’re figuring it out:
- Multiply your country’s standard import VAT rate on regular goods against the price of all items that are not eligible for reduced tax.
- Multiply your country’s reduced VAT rate (if such exists) on books and any other eligible items against the pledge level price and the price of any reduced-rate-elgibile add-ons.
- Determine the percentage ratio of regular VAT to reduced VAT, and divide your shipping cost proportionally.
- Multiply the regular VAT rate against the portion of shipping corresponding to your regularly taxed items, and the reduced VAT against the portion of your shipping corresponding to your reduce VAT items.
- Now add up those four VAT calculations to determine your final VAT charge, and voila.
Notes: Reduced VAT rate elgibility differs on items, country to country. No VAT is assessed on stretch goal rewards, such as the Shadow of the Seeker miniatures, unless those items were added-on in addition to your pledge level.
Here’s an example:
Sample order for France
PAPER GM pledge @ $100 * 10% reduced VAT = $10
Cloth Map Add-On @ $30 * 24% standard VAT = $7.20
Shipping = $31
Ratio of regularly taxed goods to reduced VAT goods is: $30 (standard rate goods) / $130 (order total) = 23% of the shipping cost ($6.90) to be charged the standard VAT rate, leaving 77% of the shipping cost ($23.10) to be charged the reduced VAT rate.
$6.90 * 24% standard VAT = $1.57
$23.10 * 10% reduced VAT = $2.31
Add it all up:
$10 reduced VAT
$7.20 standard VAT
$1.57 standard VAT shipping
$2.31 reduced VAT for books shipping
$21.08 Total VAT charge
We know this isn’t pretty. But if you are concerned with the VAT being assessed your order, we are leaving the pledge manager open for an additional week so that you can calculate your VAT total and make any adjustments to your order that you wish to based on the outcome. In the meantime, we’re going to be hard at work manually entering the itemized VAT to each UK and EU order, and no cards will be charged until we have completed all the manual adjustments.
Thank you for your patience as we work through this unforeseen complication in calculating VAT charges.
And thank you for your support!